It was a very simple ritual. I turned off my phone (so as not to be disturbed), dimmed the lights, laid out a small tapestry cloth on my desk, arranged a candle and my offering, and lit some incense. My offering consisted of olive oil in a small dish and the dish was placed in another dish into which I planned to pour the offering.
When all was set, I quieted myself by taking some deep breaths and closing my eyes. Once I felt ready I greeted the God and Goddess, addressing them as Lord and Lady. I acknowledged their presence and explained that I was approaching them with an offering and a desire to establish relationship with them. I asked them to accept my offering and explained that I did not address them by name because, as of yet, I had not found a pantheon to embrace. I asked them for guidance and to help me walk in a way that honors them, my ancestors, and local spirits, and respects the earth and people around me. After I finished speaking, I quieted myself again with a few deep breaths and closed eyes. I wanted to give the Lord and Lady and spirits an opportunity to communicate with me, if that was something they wished to do. After about one minute, I heard nothing and received no impressions. So, I closed the ritual by saying "so might it be."
Finally, in the spirit of honoring the earth, I took the offering that I had poured into the dish outside to a really nice, very private, little spot behind a utility shed at my apartment complex. This was almost the most enjoyable and rewarding part of the entire ceremony. It was a beautiful, warm summer morning. Behind the shed there is a small grassy knoll, several rose bushes, and two large pine trees. When I got there and looked up into the trees, my breath was almost taken from me, this place was perfect for this part of the ceremony. I felt compelled to say a few words when I poured out the offering. Basically, I said "this is in honor of you Lord and lady, the gods, the spirits, and the earth" as I poured the oil into the grass. Then I just stood there for a few seconds taking in the moment. As I turned to leave a big lizard (who had apparently joined me for the pouring part of the ritual) took off out of the bushes along the wall of the shed.

The lizard made me think of the local spirits. Since I am in the south west, I have been considering the Native American pantheons, but the little information I have found so far has not resonated with me. I think I will start developing a relationship with the gods of the Greek pantheon, because I am most familiar with them and there is no lack of information and myth for me to study. However, I think for the purpose of connecting with my immediate environment, I would like to cultivate relationships with the local spirits. My initial impression is that the local spirits include animals, trees, mountains, hills, and places. Perhaps the lizard will become my familiar (I really don't know what a familiar is yet, but I will say more as I learn more.).
This was a very fulfilling experience, and I hope to continue a regular practice of devotions. I want to develop my sacred space a little more and begin to get more intimate with the Lord and Lady and other gods in my pantheon.
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